Sunday, May 22, 2011

GMC 49ers "A White Elephant and More" Rally

by Doug Norton
The food is good, the company too
Unless you wanted to see Mr. MaGoo.

Over thirty folkses
all but Manny with coaches.

Jim K boiled his fluids
to show off the vaporlock trutheds

Many did not do a presentation
but Deo did a craft session.

The white elephant session had a blue hue
with stuff most definitely not new

Only one of the three off color gifts was a hit
and a face or two turned red a bit.

A newbies couple from San Jose parked by uses
and a couple with coil springs paid first time dues

If a bell doesn't ring you can shake it
If a word will not rhyme I can make it

But that will prove one not a poet
ask me why cause I know it

There is a big flea market or farmers market in the morning
a short walk from our places of mooring

The breakfasts have been rather fruit filled
but the BBQ stuff had our guts filled

I have a camera but no pictures
Perhaps Sharron can share with u hers

I might take shots of some coaches
and feeders at the morning eating sans roaches

This is a clean spot with a heated pool here
we failed to bring golf clubs or swim gear

We loved the chance to take naps
but the wind would blow off our sun caps

It was cool but not cold and great for sweatshirts
too many people only had teashirts

Full hookups are a bit of a bonus
and the trains close by were not onerous

Manny is a bit behind his promised timeline
due to a shock that tore up his breakline

My new hubler front end moved from Monday'
so I will come back to see him on Tuesday

On Wednesday I will join those much poorer
and will remember the pain in my sholder

If the install goes well with the front end
we can do our trip via South Bend

to see relatives north up Winnipeg
but we will burn oil by the megakeg.

The Wi fi here works quite well
but the speed that it has is not swell

No motors blew up on the way here
not much else would make a Jim K cheer

Jim came sans coach and just talked
Many was sans coach but stayed and watched

I am all out of ryhmes and getting tired
I keep your hours - thats nuts for those who are retired

Irene is doing well and she would enjoy life
a bit better if you were here with your wife.

The winds carry grass pollen and whats next
Is we will run out of Kleenex

I wrote a lot but the truth may be hidden
between lines if I was a poet real driven.

We had 33 folks if I counted right
with two kids with Bill Boulton who spent one night

two first timers and a Jim K who blew in and out
We had one SOB and it stood out

What more could I say without a doubt
I know my words have all run out

There you have it in a nut shell
But I regret I can not rhyme well

Doug Norton

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